Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hujra Culture

Hujrais the cultural institution of pathans,hazarians as well as Tanolies where they get together to share their joys and sorrows. Everyone has the right to participate and discuss any issue in the Hujra...The Hujra plays a pivotal role in our life. It serves as a club, dormitory, guest house and a place for ritual and feastings. It is a center for social activities as well as a council Hall for the settlement of family and inter-tribal disputes. The Hujra is not only a meeting place of the villagers but is also used as a platform for the Jirga's meetings (grand community meeting) where important decisions are made and family quarrels and tribal disputes are amicably resolved. Hujra meetings can play a vital role in disarmament and mobilising people to take an action against small arms.

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